Tag Archives: funny

“Ain’t Nobody Got Time Fo Dat” Quick tip #1

11 Sep

When I can, I like to make my coffee at home. It’s because I make it with almond milk (most coffee shops don’t have it), I like it a certain way, AND it saves money. If I leave my house without my necessary caffeine in the morning, when I go to the coffee shop I always try to limit what goes into my coffee. I don’t order pre-mixed drinks and I try my absolute bestest to avoid the syrups. I love green tea so usually when I wake up too late for coffee at home that is what I get.  I also always keep Truvia packets in my car, in my purse, pretty much everywhere; this way I can sweeten my drinks with a non-aspartame sweetener. However, if I do get a coffee drink I usually will get two shots of espresso, with soymilk or nonfat milk. When at the coffee shop, avoid the ever so tempting pastry display and opt for a Kind bar; some coffee shops also carry Chobani Greek yogurts which would make a perfect breakfast on the go or an awesome snack!

Don’t forget, it is still your best bet to plan and prepare all your meals ahead of time so you aren’t stuck in this situation but if you are, just remember this tip to survive the coffee shop.

xoxo, H

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